How To Resolve Ora-09817

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ORA-09817: Write to audit file failed. Posted on September 1, 2014 by First see which partition is full: Oracle needs to write to the audit file whenever someone logs on. Free some space and add a monitor on the mountpoint to alert you before it runs out of space. I recommend NAGIOS for free monitoring of Linux (and a lot more). You may need to shut down Oracle, increase the OPENCURSORS parameter in the initialization file, and restart Oracle.

Applies to: All unix based Operating system with Database Management Software Oracle.1. First of all you need to know, exact location of Oracle Software installed. In a simple way this path starts from root to just above the 'bin' directory like '/etc/oracle/oracle/bin'. So, Oracle s/w installation path will be '/etc/oracle/oracle'.2. Go to user home directory:oracle@database oracle$ cd oracle@database $ pwd/home/oracleoracle@database $In most of the cases it is '/home/oracle'. If you are using Oracle user for s/w installation.3.

How To Resolve Ora-09817

Edit.bashprofile fileoracle@database $ vi.bashprofile#.bashprofile# Get the aliases and functionsif -f /.bashrc ; then. /.bashrcfi# User specific environment and startup programsPATH=$PATH:$HOME/binexport PATH4. Press 'i' to open this file in edit mode and paste following lines at the bottom of file.


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In your case value for ORACLEHOME can be different.export ORACLEHOME=/etc/oracle/oracleexport PATH=$PATH:$ORACLEHOME/bin5. Press 'esc' button from your key board and then 'wq!' To shave changes.6. Finally your.bashprofile will look like.#.bashprofile# Get the aliases and functionsif -f /.bashrc ; then. /.bashrcfi# User specific environment and startup programsPATH=$PATH:$HOME/binexport PATHexport ORACLEHOME=/etc/oracle/oracleexport PATH=$PATH:$ORACLEHOME/bin7. To apply changes in this session use below. This is only one time $ source.bashprofileNow you are ready to use $ sqlplus /nologSQL.Plus: Release Production on Thu Jan 24 03:Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle.


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